On the 24 Feb 2022, at 4AM EET

Russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine and its people.


But it started way earlier than you might think. Our website helps you to get familiar with the key figures, their roles and objectives in the biggest war since World War II.

Explain the war to me in

  1. 10min
  2. 30min
  3. 60min

About us

Anton Epp
Project Founder
Arsen Yushchenko
Devops Engineer
Dmitrij Doroshenko
Delivery Manager
Herhei Kovach
Research Analyst
Khrystyna Matviienko
Delivery Manager
Maria Karapata
German Translator, Copywriter
Martin Dowe
Natalia Onishchuk
Frontend Developer
Oleg Yastremskij
Back-end Developer

We are a team of journalists, historians and volunteers.

Our goal is to raise awareness about the war in Ukraine in an easy-to-access manner.

Get to know us
